Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Colorado to Hell's Backbone Grill

Hey all,

We've finally made it to our first farm of the summer: Hell's Backbone Grill in Boulder, Utah. Utah is unlike anything we've ever seen before! We left Colorado after spending three nights camped along the headwaters of the Rio Grande in the Rio Grande national forest, and drove about 12 hours to Boulder. Along the way, we climbed up to 11,000 feet to the snow-covered mountains at Wolf Creek before dropping down into lush green valleys. We drove through the scrubland of western Colorado and finally made it to Utah. After driving through agricultural land in eastern Utah, we took a left just after Blanding and were instantly greeted with the most spectacular vistas either of us had seen. The land was painted in yellows and reds and covered in small trees and shrubs. We drove 200 miles along winding roads that constantly showed us ever more beautiful landscapes.

We rolled into Boulder at 9:30 pm on Monday and were taken to our sleeping space by a fellow WWOOFer, Seth. Our home for the next two weeks is an Airstream camper from the 60s named Bubbly Mae, situated at the back of the restaurant's farm with a frigid swimming hole, a fire pit, and a solar shower.

The next morning, we drove up to the restaurant for our first delicious meal to kick off the next few weeks. We are provided breakfast at 7am, lunch around 1, and dinner that we take back to the farm with us after lunch. The food is phenomenal, and there is a lot of it!

We spent our first day of work touring the farm facility, meeting the restaurant and farm crews, weeding, planting, and prepping the restaurant's garden plot. We are done with work at about 4 every day, and have Wednesdays and Sundays off. We'll try to get as many posts in as possible, but we have limited internet access in a town of 180 people.

Hope everyone is having a great summer at home!

Carrie and Chris